Field Directors

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  • 1.  Travel hours for practicum and internship?

    Posted 10 days ago
    Edited by Sarah Johnson 10 days ago

    Dear Field Education Colleagues, 

    How do you approach travel time when a student is going to a conference, traveling for home visits, etc.? Do you allow students to count this time toward their field hour total? In this particular instance we have two students traveling 4+ hours for a conference with their practicum agency, but there are many possible variations on this theme. Some of the considerations might be whether they're traveling with others from the agency or alone, should there be a cap on travel hours in a given day, etc.

    Any policies or practices you've implemented would be very helpful!

    Sarah Johnson
    BSW Director of Practice Education
    Colorado Mesa University

  • 2.  RE: Travel hours for practicum and internship?

    Posted 10 days ago

    We allow anything related to field placement to be counted as hours. That includes conferences/training and travel time as required by the organization.




    (Professor) Cheryl Cooper, LSW,MSW, MSODL

    Director of Field Instruction

    Social Work MSW Program

    P. 215-219-4783

    Francis Hall Room 301

    400 Saint Bernardine Street

    Reading, PA 19607

    Zoom Link 794 739 3969   


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