Hi Courtney,
Yes, CSWE released a statement in September of last year, which includes the following: "We continue to encourage practicum sites and universities to provide funding to social work students for their internships."
The full statement can be found here: https://www.cswe.org/news/newsroom/cswe-and-p4p-commit-to-addressing-accessibility/#:~:text=The%20Council%20on%20Social%20Work%20Education%20(CSWE)%20and%20Payment%20for,social%20work%20education%20more%20accessible.
Please let me know if there's anything else I can do to help.
Natalie Beck Aguilera
Associate Professor and Practicum Director
St. Edward's University
Austin TX
Original Message:
Sent: Jan 21, 2025 18:48
From: Courtney McDermott
Subject: Paid Practica issues
Hi all,
I just got out of a meeting with our legal team who is deciding whether or not they will allow paid practica. Their reasons were things such as what if the student gets hurt, what is the intention of the agency, etc. They wanted me to provide them with any information from CSWE given their justification for allowing paid practica. And they are looking for reasons beyond, "because it's the right thing to do."
Does that kind of statement exist? Is there any statement beyond May 2022 that CSWE has put out? I did not find one.
Thanks for any guidance.
Courtney McDermott
Director of Field Education
School of Social Work
University of Missouri-St. Louis