Field Directors

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  • 1.  Request for Participation

    Posted Oct 17, 2023 14:12

    Greetings social work colleagues! I am sending this email today to request participation in a qualitative study I am conducting focusing on gaining a deeper understanding of how Field Directors are assessing ADEI practices within internship agency placements. Questions will focus on how initial, and ongoing, assessments of agency ADEI practices occur. Similar questions will be asked that focus on initial, and ongoing, assessment of agency supervision as it relates to ADEI practices. This information will be obtained through a semi-structured interview which is anticipated to last about 40 minutes. 

    Questions can be emailed to this researcher at any time. If you wish to participate in an interview, please feel free to respond to this researcher and we can schedule at a date/time that is convenient for you. 

    Description of the Project: 

    This project is designed to understand how field directors assess ADEI practices within internship education (at the agency and supervisor level). To qualify for participation faculty members must currently be employed in higher education in an accredited social work program. Participants must hold the title of Field Director, Assistant Field Director, Field Coordinator, or Assistant Field Coordinator. 

    Name and Contact Information of Principal Investigator: 

                Dana Holcomb, DSW, LMSW-Clinical 


                Telephone: 231-591-2763 

     IRB Information – Ferris State University 

                IRB Protocol Approval Number: FY-23-24-24 

                Contact Information: Ferris State University IRB 

    1010 Campus Drive, FLITE 410 

    Big Rapids, MI  49307 



    Thank you for considering this request. Have a wonderful day! 

    Dana Holcomb, DSW, LMSW-Clinical
    Associate Professor and Director of Field
    Ferris State University
    Big Rapids, MI 49307