These bi-annual forums will provide an opportunity for field faculty and staff nationwide to connect and engage in virtual peer support, consultation, and education around pressing issues in field education.
WHEN: Wednesday, July 24 and 2:00pm - 3:30pm CST
(please note this time is in CST)
TOPIC: Managing the multiple roles and staffing needs in Field Education
The focus of the Hot Topics will be on strategies to manage the many roles and expectations for field faculty and staff (instruction, training, liaison, placement coordinator,
supervisor to just name a few) while often being understaffed and a lack of understanding of workloads.
This seminar will include discussion of the key roles and how different programs have structured field personnel
to maximize impact and to meet the changing landscape of field education.
Please register today to join us for this informative workshop.
We will be sharing some exciting information for the CSWE Field Director Institute 2024!
Please register at: https://lsu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_cArZSuEFZGAkmou
A zoom link will be sent one week prior to the meeting.
Traci Lilley
Director of Field Education, Associate Director of the School of Social Work
Louisiana State University and A&M College
Baton Rouge LA