Hi Shenita,
Thanks for your comment. We anticipate ~50 BSW students in practicum next Fall, and our new MSW program won't have students starting at sites until Fall 2025 but we are hoping for ~50 there as well. Our program is clearly smaller than yours! It's helpful to know how you all do things, though - thanks!
Kayla Bueby
BSW & MSW Practicum Education Coordinator, Clinical Assistant Professor
University of Michigan-Flint
Flint MI
Original Message:
Sent: Feb 16, 2024 14:13
From: Shenita Williams
Subject: Practicum Liaison Models, Best Practices, etc.
Hi Kayla,
How many MSW/BSW students do you have? We currently have about 650 students in field each semester. Therefore, we use community embedded faculty who are paid at the same rate as a traditional instructor.
Shenita Williams
Director of Field Education
Virginia Commonwealth University
Richmond, VA
Original Message:
Sent: Feb 13, 2024 11:35
From: Kayla Bueby
Subject: Practicum Liaison Models, Best Practices, etc.
Hi all,
I'm a new Practicum Coordinator for both our current BSW and future MSW programs at my institution. I'm trying to learn more about the pros/cons and best practices around different models for liaisons, specially around using regular, full time staff/faculty for liaisons vs. using contracted community-based liaisons. Does anyone have any information or resources that you might be able to share with me?
Kayla Bueby
BSW & MSW Practicum Education Coordinator, Clinical Assistant Professor
University of Michigan-Flint
Flint MI