Field Directors

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  • 1.  Field Instructor Evaluation of Program

    Posted Aug 10, 2022 16:44
    Hello, all.  I would like to provide our field instructors with a survey that allows them to evaluate our field education program and the role/effectiveness of the field director and faculty liaison.  Does anyone have an instrument for this purpose that you would be willing to share or a reference for one that you have used?  We have evaluations of many aspects of the field program but I would like the perspective of our field instructors as well.  Thanks.

    David Haller
    Director of BSW Field Education
    Roberts Wesleyan College
    Rochester NY

  • 2.  RE: Field Instructor Evaluation of Program

    Posted Aug 11, 2022 10:05
    I created a google form that field instructors could access and complete at the end of the semester. I have copied the text from the form placed it below. I hope you find it helpful. It gave me really helpful feedback. 

    Evaluation of Field Education Program
    Field instructors please take a few moments to give feedback on your experience working with our field education program. You can choose to submit your response anonymously, or there is a space to include your name, agency, and field student if you wish to. The feedback from this form will be used to evaluate and improve the overall field placement experience for field students and field instructors. Thank you for your time.
    You are not required to complete this section; however you may indicate your name, agency, and field student if you wish
    1. The director of field education exhibits professional behaviors and attitudes
    Strongly Disagree
    Strongly Agree
    2. He/she seems knowledgeable concerning the social work field.
    Strongly disagree
    3. He/she adequately answered my questions or concerns related to supervision of my student.
    4. He/she held an orientation for new supervisors to discuss Field Placement.
    5. I feel he/she was available when needed to discuss the student's progress
    6. He/she seemed to care about the student's progress.
    7. Overall, I feel I had a positive, professional experience with him/her.
    8. Did the introductory field notebook you received at the start of the field term provide adequate information on your expected responsibilities as a field instructor and the needed forms for you and your student?
    9. Do you feel your work as a field supervisor is adequately recognized and appreciated?
    10. In what ways can the program more readily express their appreciation for your services as a field instructor?
    11. The overall field placement experience has been positive for me.
    12. I would be willing to accept a role as Field Instructor for future social work students
    13. What would you say is the most significant strength of our program?
    14. What would you say is the most significant weakness or limitation of this program?
    15. Additional Comments
    Thank you so much for your feedback! Your comments and evaluation are greatly appreciated.

    Evaluation created using content from the University of Southern Indiana's Field Education Director Evaluation and Long Island University's Field Education Program Evaluation.

    Andrea Germany
    Mississippi State University

  • 3.  RE: Field Instructor Evaluation of Program

    Posted Aug 18, 2022 15:45
    Andrea, thanks for much for this resource.  This is a great help and a wonderful starting place.  Dave.

    David Haller
    Director of BSW Field Education
    Roberts Wesleyan College
    Rochester NY