Social Work Education

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BSW Education Research Participation Request

  • 1.  BSW Education Research Participation Request

    Posted Feb 16, 2023 10:42
    Edited by Nickolas Davis Feb 16, 2023 10:43

    Dear Social Work Educator,

    You are invited to participate in a survey gauging faculty experiences dealing with various cultural/social/political issues in the classroom.

    The objectives of this study are to:

    -Examine perceptions of university social work program faculty regarding "culture wars" among students and faculty in social work undergraduate and graduate programs 

    -Determine whether tensions over culture war issues are common in the classroom and on campus

    -Determine which culture war issues are most common in the classroom

    -Investigate perceptions of faculty and students regarding ways to decrease tensions and create an environment conducive to teaching and learning

    Follow this link to take the survey: Take the Survey

    Or copy and paste the URL below:

    The survey is confidential. Your answers will not be linked with your name, college, or university in any reports of the data. Your participation is voluntary. Should you have any questions or comments, please contact us at or (313) 355-0049. This project has been approved by the University of Detroit Mercy IRB (IRB22-23-66). You may contact Elizabeth Hill, Professor Emerita, interim chair of the University of Detroit Mercy IRB with any IRB-related questions. Dr. Hill can be reached at (313) 578-0405 or by email at

    We appreciate your help with this study.

    Aloha VanCamp & Nickolas Davis 
