Thank you for posting your concerns, and what many of us are probably thinking about. I think this is a great idea and would be happy to share what we have from COVID shut down, and emergency pulls from placement in the last hours needed for completion of Practicum.
I am wondering if there might be a specific folder that we could share these to and allow us to have the resources in one place. Maybe this is already in place, and I am unaware with the transition of moving, learning curve, and being a caregiver as well.
I look forward to learning and sharing more!!!
Joy for your day,
Nan Askeland, LICSW
Director of Field Education
direct office line 507-537-6543
Nancy "Nan" Askeland
Director of Field Education
+1 (507) 537-6543
Original Message:
Sent: Jan 29, 2025 10:24
From: Sara Lien
Subject: Agency and practicum response to federal funding freeze
Hello community,
Like many of you, I assume, I'm starting to plan for potential agency and/or program shut downs related to this federal funding freeze. Our leadership has asked the practicum team to start creating alternative learning opportunities and assignments so we can ensure that students graduate with the required experiences and hours. Are others doing the same? I think it would be helpful for us to organize and perhaps have shared resources and activities if possible. Would people be willing to share ideas, plans, and activities they are giving to students?
Peace to you at this time,
Sara Lien
MSW Practicum Director
University of Minnesota-Duluth
Duluth MN