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Invitation Research Participant - Burnout and Self Compassion Awareness

  • 1.  Invitation Research Participant - Burnout and Self Compassion Awareness

    Posted Oct 21, 2023 19:04

    Hello All,

    My colleagues and I would like to invite BSW, MSW, or DSW/PhD social workers to voluntarily participate in a current research study exploring the topics of burnout and self compassion awareness among social work professionals. We are seeking adults (age 18+) participants who are practicing social workers employed within the United States. 

    Clicking on the link below will take you to the informed consent information page followed by a series of questions. The expected time to complete the survey is ~20 minutes. 

    Please feel free to forward to your social work friends!

    Survey link

    With sincere gratitude and appreciation,

    K. Giamportone, PhD

    D. Wampole, DSW

    H. Kohli, PhD


    Kimberly Giamportone, PhD, LMSW
    Assistant Professor, University of Southern Maine