Field Directors

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Curious about Field Ed Directors roles/student loads

  • 1.  Curious about Field Ed Directors roles/student loads

    Posted May 09, 2022 14:34
    Hello :)
    I was curious if other will share their duties/student loads within their role as Field Education Director. * Please include if you have supportive positions that help you as well. 

    I'll start. This was my first year in my role as MSW Field Ed Director. (Let's just say I am EXHAUSTED from this year...hence my curiosity to find out what the norm is). 
    I work at a small university where there is an average of 80 MSW students in field placements.
    I teach 2 classes per semester and have an advising load of 20 students.
    We don't have Liaisons and instead students have a seminar class where they meet weekly. (When there is an issue with a student or agency it usually goes straight to me.) 
    I am responsible for intakes, interviews, finding placements, providing support to field instructors/students, handling issues, finding new sites, managing the placement software we use- Sonia, review of learning contracts, evals, etc. 

    (I also have a private practice and see around 5-7 clients per week.) 

    Thanks everyone :)
    Alicia Lawrence, LSCSW

    Alicia Lawrence, LSCSW
    Washburn University
    Topeka KS