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2022 EPAS sample learning agreements & evals

  • 1.  2022 EPAS sample learning agreements & evals

    Posted Oct 30, 2023 18:07

    Hi Michelle and Karen,

    We are in our re-accreditation cycle and one of the first schools going up under the 2022 EPAS. Thus, we updated our learning agreements and evaluations since practicum for BSW and MSW students is one of our main data points. I am attaching the learning agreement templates that we make available to our students and their AFIs to provide an array of learning activities and tasks that would allow students to meet competency in the various practice behaviors. In addition, to these templates we host a learning agreement and evaluation workshop for both students and AFIs. I am also attaching a PDF version of our learning agreement and evaluation which we process via our practicum software program Sonia (the layout is funky in this version because it is not meant for PDF but done online). As you can see, the mid-practicum evaluation is qualitative and the final/ end of practicum evaluation is quantitative following a 1-5 competency based rating scale. For more details on the rating scale, I am also attaching an overview of that process which we share with our AFIs. Lastly, our website for the online field ed program has a ton of info about our processes, including the final eval and we share that with AFIs for additional guidance.

    I hope this is what you were looking for and it can help with your process. 

    Best from Montana,


    Katharina Werner
    Director of Field Education
    University of Montana
    Missoula MT