A great opinion piece from Inside Higher Ed about shifting from teaching f2f to remote:
Shifting unexpectedly to remote instruction requires as many human solutions as tech solutions (opinion)
Insidehighered |
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Shifting unexpectedly to remote instruction requires as many human solutions as tech solutions (opinion) |
As colleges and universities across the nation scramble to respond to the COVID-19 outbreak, outstanding materials are circulating widely concerned with technological solutions to moving away from in-person teaching. |
View this on Insidehighered > |
And a relevant letter from the President of Tulane in the aftermath of Katrina: How to Lead in a Crisis
The Chronicle of Higher Education |
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How to Lead in a Crisis |
Disaster advice from my time as president of Tulane University during Hurricane Katrina Premium content for subscribers. Subscribe Today Disaster advice from my time as president of Tulane University during Hurricane Katrina. |
View this on The Chronicle of Higher Education > |
Darla Spence Coffey