National Association of Deans and Directors (NADD)

  • 1.  Remote field placements

    Posted Feb 28, 2023 12:25

    Good morning colleagues, as we prepare for fall semester, are you finding that more students are seeking accommodations for field such as fully remote internships or hybrid accommodations at the very least? What does CSWE say about this now since we are moving out of the pandemic? Please share any insight and thanks, Cassandra 

    Dr. Cassandra McKay-Jackson, PhD, LCSW
    Director, MSW Program
    Associate Professor
    Erikson Institute
    Graduate School in Child Development
    451 N. LaSalle St.
    Chicago, IL 60654-4510
    312-893-7233 (Tel)
    312-755-0928 (Fax) (Email)