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  • 1.  Veterinary Social Work Practicum

    Posted Jan 13, 2023 12:35
    Hi all and greetings from Montana. 
    We have a student who is interested in pursuing a practicum placement in the context of veterinary social work. Although certainly a field where social workers could make important contributions, I know it is still relatively unexplored. We have never had a student in a vet placement and I was curious if any of you have experience with such a placement. If yes, what was the general set up and the on site supervision arrangement? Was there an MSW or LCSW on site and if not, what was your work around to ensure on site support (other than offering outside supervisor)? The student is located in Texas and Texas A&M University has one of the largest veterinary teaching hospitals in the country. We are looking into options there.

    Thank you for any insight,

    Katharina Werner
    Director of Field Education/ Clinical Assistant Professor
    University of Montana
    Missoula MT

  • 2.  RE: Veterinary Social Work Practicum

    Posted Jan 13, 2023 17:48
    On the Twin Cities campus of the University of Minnesota, we have a Veterinary Hospital/School of Veterinary Medicine.  At the hospital there is a social work department. The social workers are employees of the Veterinary Hospital/School of Veterinary Medicine.  We have had many MSW students engage in a practicum there over the years.  It is a fantastic placement.  Please feel free to email me directly if you desire to know more.  
    SSW Graduate Faculty Member - Director of Practicum Education
    UofM Medical Reserve Corp         UofM Mental Health Advocate
    My Office is Safe Space ❤️ 
    140-D Peters Hall, 1404 Gortner Ave.St. Paul, MN  55108         
    Tel. - (612) 624-4262         Cell - (651) 491-1941

  • 3.  RE: Veterinary Social Work Practicum

    Posted Jan 18, 2023 10:42
    Thank you Heidi. That is great to hear and I will reach out should we move forward with this placement. 


    Katharina Werner
    Director of Field Education
    University of Montana
    Missoula MT

  • 4.  RE: Veterinary Social Work Practicum

    Posted Jan 17, 2023 16:15
      |   view attached
    Hello Kat - 

    We onboarded an animal specialty hospital this past year with a licensed social worker.  We have not placed students within this placement just yet because the social worker is completing her PhD and needed to prioritize her program before taking any students.  I'm attaching the social work intern position she provided from their NYC market that they are trying to expand to the Seattle market.  

    Hope you find this helpful!

    Sarah Featherly
    Director of Field Education
    Eastern Washington University
    Cheney WA


  • 5.  RE: Veterinary Social Work Practicum

    Posted Jan 18, 2023 10:43
    Thanks so much Sarah, really helpful! 


    Katharina Werner
    Director of Field Education
    University of Montana
    Missoula MT

  • 6.  RE: Veterinary Social Work Practicum

    Posted Jan 20, 2023 10:55
    I did my MSW Clinical Practicum in Veterinary Social Work at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. My supervisor was incredible. She has since moved on, and is with another program. She's eager to develop the field, so I recommend reaching out for resources.

    Sara Lien
    MSW Field Director
    University of Minnesota Duluth
    Duluth MN

  • 7.  RE: Veterinary Social Work Practicum

    Posted Jan 24, 2023 14:29
    Thanks Sara for that info - I really appreciate it. We had a great meeting with the potential site and therapist who is excited to bring on a student. Hope this will work out!

    Katharina Werner
    Director of Field Education
    University of Montana
    Missoula MT

  • 8.  RE: Veterinary Social Work Practicum

    Posted Jan 26, 2023 16:35
    The University of Tennessee has a growing/developing program option for students interested in this area of practice. I think it's super interesting and would have many client and client group benefits.

    Jeni Gamble

    Jenifer Gamble
    University of Kentucky