National Association of Deans and Directors (NADD)

Updates and Member Information

  • 1.  Updates and Member Information

    Posted Oct 02, 2022 14:24
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    Hello NADD Colleagues,

    It has been a while since I have addressed all of you. I trust things are well and that you all are having a pleasant and productive semester. I have a couple of items to inform you on. First, there was a meeting of the NADD Licensing Exam Task Force on held on 16 September in Chicago at Loyola University, which I attended.  Jay Miller from the University of Kentucky described the regulatory process of ASWB, and the process whereby the item analysis is used and regulated as part of test question approval.

    Out of the meeting came the resolve that NADD should continue to advocate for change in what many consider as racially biased testing practices. We acknowledge the efforts of many local and state NASW Associations and state associations of deans and directors, and their advocacy and call for change in current licensing practices. Many deans and directors from SW education programs have put out statements--but more from all of us will be needed as we move forward. The attached Action Plan is part of our plan as well as a toolkit for social work education programs and other organizations to consider as we all advocate for change in licensing practices. Of course, there will be a thorough discussion on the topic as our Wednesday, November 9th NADD business meeting in Anaheim, CA. Our NADD membership meeting at APM will be an all-day event, so I suggest arriving on Tuesday evening at the latest, if possible. Much appreciation to those programs that have sponsored the meeting. 

    I recently talked with Scott Ryan from UT Arlington who will work with Philip Osteen from the University of Utah on the distribute of the NADD Salary Survey, which we have to conducted during COVID. Instead to moving forward at this point, I have asked Scott to wait until Spring 2023 given that we only have 93 NADD members signed up on CSWE Spark. We will make an announcement at the November meeting. We will also attempt to get a list of all members so that we are not obligated to Spark for our communications with each other.  Look for more on that.

    Finally, please contact me with questions or information as needed. The NADD BoD will have a meeting on October 7th to discuss our work and programming for our one-day meeting in November.  

    Take care, 

    Martell Teasley, Ph.D., MSW
    President of NADD
    University of Utah College of Social Work