National Association of Deans and Directors (NADD)

UIUC SSW Racial Justice Continuing Education Webinar Series

  • 1.  UIUC SSW Racial Justice Continuing Education Webinar Series

    Posted Nov 30, 2022 12:43

    Dear NADD Colleagues,

    This Friday December 2 from 12-2, the School of Social Work will be presenting the second of four webinars in our Equity in Practice – Confronting the Need for Racial Justice in Social Work continuing education series. Information on this session is provided immediately below, as is the link to register.  I would appreciate you sharing this information with others who you think may be interested. Thanks - Steve

    Moving toward Decolonizing Gender-affirming Care:
    Micro and Macro Approaches toward the Collective Care of BIPOC Trans and Non-binary Folks

    December 2, 2022, 12:00-2:00pm CST

    Presenter: Aesha Mustafa, LMSW | Co-Owner, Integrative Empowerment Group, Ann Arbor, MI 

    While gender-affirming care is expanding, affirming micro and macro practitioners often perpetuate harm through colonist practices. This interactive webinar will break down the buzzword "decolonize" and its importance in gender-affirming care. Participants will walk away with micro and macro strategies to move toward decolonizing their gender-affirming care.

    Register at:


    [Steve] [Anderson]
    [Dean and Professor]
    [University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaingn]
    [Urbana] [Illinois]