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Survey Invitation: Health Professions Faculty, IPE Practice, and Thriving

  • 1.  Survey Invitation: Health Professions Faculty, IPE Practice, and Thriving

    Posted Oct 23, 2024 02:41
    Edited by Kimberly Setterlund Oct 25, 2024 20:04

    Dear Faculty Colleague,

    I am conducting a dissertation research study at Azusa Pacific University to fulfill the requirements of my Ph.D. program in Higher Education and Leadership and I invite full-time faculty who teach in four-year institutions to complete my survey. 

    I value your participation in this faculty thriving research study, to better understand what contributes to holistic wellness in your faculty role. My study, Interprofessional Education Practice as a Pathway to Thriving for Health Professions Faculty (IRB ID#24-128), focuses on the experiences of health professions faculty including, but not limited to, individuals who teach and participate in interprofessional education (IPE) practices (e.g., child life, dentistry, medicine, nursing, pharmacy, physical therapy, and social work). Current research on faculty thriving is limited, and thriving in health professions faculty who practice IPE is a new contribution to the literature. My research question is, To what extent does participation in IPE, as well as other campus experiences, contribute to thriving in health professions faculty?

    Participation is entirely voluntary and involves completing a brief 10–15-minute Qualtrics survey. As a token of appreciation for your participation in this survey research, you may choose to provide your email address where you will then be eligible to enter a drawing to win one of four $100 Amazon gift cards. Email addresses will be separated from the data and deleted after the drawing. To participate in the survey, please use the link below or QR code below. The research study flyer also provides study information.

    QR code or link to survey:

    Health Professions Faculty Thriving Survey

    Thank you in advance for your time and consideration. Please contact me at, or my research chair, Dr. Laurie Schreiner, at should you have questions or need additional information about the study.


    Kimberly Setterlund, MSW, LCSW

    Higher Education Leadership Ph.D. Candidate


    Kimberly Setterlund, MSW, LCSW | Assistant Professor
    Azusa Pacific University
    Department of Social Work
    (626) 857-2402
