Field Directors

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  • 1.  Supervision training resource needed

    Posted Dec 15, 2023 15:31

    Do you know if a resource exists out there for supervision training of practicum and/or SW licensing supervision training for supervisors?

    I am interested to know if there is a program already developed that we can purchase or purchase a license for use of at our university. and use year after year. I have seen several university websites with their own trainings, but I'm looking for something that we can utilize without reinventing the wheel, if that exists. Thanks for any resources you know about.

    Mikki Easley
    MSW Practicum Coordinator
    University of Alaska Anchorage
    Anchorage AK

  • 2.  RE: Supervision training resource needed

    Posted Dec 18, 2023 10:21

    Hi Mikki- there is a repository on the CSWE site that the Council for Field Education created a couple years ago.  It is a variety of training modules that were donated from programs around the country, that folks could use as a foundation to build their own supervision training. 

    The link is

    Sue Coleman
    Assistant Dean of Field Education
    Boston College

  • 3.  RE: Supervision training resource needed

    Posted Dec 18, 2023 13:24

    Thank you everyone for the resources! I really appreciate the feedback and have a starting place now. 

    Mikki Easley
    MSW Practicum Coordinator
    University of Alaska Anchorage
    Anchorage AK

  • 4.  RE: Supervision training resource needed

    Posted Dec 18, 2023 11:15


    In addition to the repository, the northeast schools of social work have a training course for agency instructors called SIFI- Seminar in field instruction which is a 12 week training for new instructors supervising students. It covers topics like Beginning Processes in Field Instruction, Teaching Professional Ethics in Field Instruction ,  Teaching Cultural Competence in Field Instruction, The Range of Students Assignments: Micro to Macro, Process Recordings, Logs and Journals in Field Instruction, Adult Learning, Educational Assessment, Teaching Challenges, Teaching Methods, Evaluation of Field Performance, and Teaching Termination.

    Hope this is helpful,


    Warren Graham, LCSW, ACSW, CASAC
    Asst Dean of Practicum Education/Clinical Assoc Prof.
    SUNY Stony Brook University
    Stony Brook, NY