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SDOH special issue call for submissions in Social Work in Health Care

  • 1.  SDOH special issue call for submissions in Social Work in Health Care

    Posted Feb 24, 2023 09:30
    Wanted to share  some information about a call for submission for a special issue of Social Work in Health Care, entitled Social Work Practice Innovation and Social Determinants of Health: Social Work Expertise for Achieving Health Equity
    Long before the research literature and public policy discussion started giving such widespread attention to Social Determinants of Health, social work practitioners who work in HAPC have been doing our jobs, trying to find solutions to social problems that our patients experience . Maybe we don't always write about it, research it, or get credit for it, but HAPC social workers are usually the professionals that the team turns to when faced with  "social problems".
    I know I have personally met many skilled social workers throughout the years, who are doing great work and implementing new programs to improve patient care and health equity.  Many have even spoken to me about wanting to someday write about it.  Social Work in Health Care is calling for such articles right now! 
    This special issue invites manuscripts about practice innovation related to Social Determinants of Health.  Have you implemented a unique program aimed at improving health equity/correcting disparities caused by social conditions? This could be a good opportunity to write about it.  This call for special issue is open till March 31 and you can read about it here:


    Vickie Leff