Field Directors

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  • 1.  Safety in Field Education

    Posted May 31, 2023 10:38

    I am reaching out to get ideas as to how your programs address safety in field education. Do you provide some type of orientation, training, or information to your students?

    For the last number of years our program has required our students to complete a safety review form with their sites. We continue to receive feedback from students and sites that this form is not very helpful and is more busy work than anything. I hesitate to do away completely with the form, as I would like some method to ensure that safety is addressed as part of the onboarding/orientation process within the field placement agencies.

    Any ideas or suggestions are appreciated! Thank you!

    Megan Grode Wolters, AM, CSW-PIP
    Director of MSW Field Education
    University of South Dakota
    Sioux Falls SD

  • 2.  RE: Safety in Field Education

    Posted Jun 05, 2023 11:09

    I don't have feedback, but also would like this information. We are reviewing our safety protocols now and it would be helpful to learn how other schools set expectations for students and agencies around safety.

    Sara Lien
    MSW Field Director
    University of Minnesota Duluth
    Duluth MN