Field Directors

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Research Study on Field Liaisons and DEI

  • 1.  Research Study on Field Liaisons and DEI

    Posted Jan 13, 2023 11:34

    Dear Field Directors,

    Minjoo Morlan, and I, Stephanie Lyons, are Field Faculty members and PhD students at Indiana University. As part of our Qualitative Research course, we are conducting a research study examining MSW field liaisons' perspectives on diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) as it pertains to students' practicum experiences and how they respond to students' concerns.

    We request that you share the below recruitment email with your MSW Field Liaisons, if as part of their responsibilities they have a role of responding to students' and agencies' requests for support or may themselves request student agency meetings to problem-solve and resolve issues of concern to support and advocate for students and agencies. 

    If you have any questions about the study, please email Minjoo Morlan at or Stephanie Lyons at

    We would be so grateful for your assistance in recruiting Field Liaisons as participants in this study. Thank you in advance for your support.


    Kind regards,

    Stephanie Lyons, MSW

    Minjoo Morlan, MSW

    Recruitment Email:

     January 13, 2023

    Dear Field Liaison,

    You are invited to participate in a qualitative research study that will ask you about your perspectives on diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) matters in your students' practicum experiences. Your participation and feedback are extremely valuable as the study will enhance field educations' knowledge of this important topic and assist in developing a model that will aid other field liaisons in their work with students and practicum partners.

    Participation in this study is voluntary. Your decision on whether you participate or not will not affect your relationship with the researchers at Indiana University School of Social Work.

    If you agree to participate, click on this link where you will enter your contact information and will be provided with an electronic Study Information sheet. The information sheet includes the research study's purpose and a clear explanation of how to withdraw from it at any time. The researchers will contact you to schedule an interview time that is mutually convenient. The interview should last approximately 1 hour. You will not be paid for participation in this study.

    This study is being conducted by PhD students, Stephanie Lyons and Minjoo Morlan, with Research Advisor, Dr. Vincent Starnino, at Indiana University School of Social Work. This study was approved by the Institutional Review Board at Indiana University.

    If you have any questions about the study, please email Minjoo Morlan at or Stephanie Lyons at

    We would be so grateful for your participation in this study. Thank you in advance for your time.


    Kind regards,

    Stephanie Lyons, MSW

    Minjoo Morlan, MSW

    Stephanie Lyons
    Director of Field Education
    Clinical Associate Faculty
    Indiana University School of Social Work