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Register for the PCSS-MOUD Webinar Series!

  • 1.  Register for the PCSS-MOUD Webinar Series!

    Posted Apr 01, 2024 12:01

    CSWE is facilitating a six-part webinar series funded by Providers Clinical Support System–Medication for Opioid Use Disorder (PCSS-MOUD). This webinar series invites us to merge results from cutting edge research and clinical experience to inform social work practice. We will explore how social work practitioners have implemented research findings in their practice, how people with substance use disorders (SUD) are experiencing services, and what are the pressing gaps that need to be addressed. We will consider the impact of social determinants of health including racism and stigma on different populations throughout the series. Finally, we will learn firsthand about new developments in SUD treatment research and how we can leverage technology to improve access and outcomes. Our goal is to explore ways to address SUD more thoroughly, equitably, and effectively in our clinical practice.

    Register for the second webinar on Tuesday, April 16, 2024, from 1:00–2:00 PM (ET), "Promoting Healthy Development and Reducing Risk of Substance Use, Pregnancy, and HIV/STI Among Adolescent Young Women Involved With the Juvenile Justice System."


    Javier Caballero
    Communications and Marketing Coordinator