Dear Colleagues,
I am the Assistant Dean of Innovative Learning Technologies, Director of Online Education and an Assistant Professor at Rutgers School of Social Work. I am also currently pursuing my PhD in Higher Education at Rutgers, and am seeking your support recruiting online students to participate in my study. I am conducting a qualitative study on the experiences of students who identify as women enrolled in fully online MSW programs, specifically those who also manage multiple roles (employee and caretaker), in addition to that of student. This study is important in addressing how students experience online education while also managing other roles, and may provide important information to programs to better support students.
To participate in the interviews, students must be 18 years of age and identify as a woman. They must be either currently enrolled in a fully online MSW program (for at least 6 months), or have graduated within the past year. They must also have an employment and caretaking role. Students who participate in interviews will be provided with a $30 gift card. Students who are interested can complete an inclusion criteria survey here -
This project is approved by Rutgers IRB (Protocol #2023000002). Please feel free to forward this email directly to others who may be interested, and I truly appreciate your help in recruiting participants.
Please forward the email or flyer below to your students.
Thank you so much for your time and consideration,
Rachel Schwartz
Rachel Schwartz, MSW, LSW
Assistant Dean of Innovative Learning Technologies,
Director of Online MSW Programs and Assistant Professor of Teaching
Rutgers University School of Social Work
Phone: 848-932-4422
Email to Students
Are you an online MSW student who identifies as a woman and is managing multiple roles and responsibilities in addition to your student life?
My name is Rachel Schwartz, MSW, and I am Director of Online Education at Rutgers University School of Social Work, as well as a PhD student completing my dissertation studies in Higher Education. I am seeking students to participate in individual interviews for a study exploring the experiences of women students who hold both caretaking and employment roles and are enrolled in fully online MSW programs. Click here to see if you quality to participate!
This project examines student experiences based on the roles they hold, and how gender may influence those experiences. The project will also seek to better understand how students find online programs helpful or not in fulfilling educational goals, and how programs can better build community and supports for students. This study gives space for the voices of students to share their experiences and all the important roles you hold!
To participate in the study, you must:
- Be at least 18 years old
- Identify as a woman
- Be currently enrolled in a fully online MSW program (for at least 6 months), or have graduated within the past year
- Hold any caretaking role
- Hold any employment role
I will be conducting individual interviews with each participant, that will last approximately 90 minutes. The interview responses will be confidential, and you can choose to not to answer any questions or to stop at any time. As a participant, you will receive a $30 e-gift card to Amazon for your time, that will be sent to you at the end of the interview.
If you are interested in participating, please click here to complete an eligibility survey and to sign up for an interview time. You will also be asked to complete a short survey prior to the interview to collect some demographic data.
For more information, please contact Rachel Schwartz at
This project is approved by Rutgers University IRB (Protocol #2023000002).
Please feel free to share this recruitment information with any eligible student.
I appreciate your time in advance and hope you will join.
Rachel Schwartz