Social Work Education

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  • 1.  Paid Internships

    Posted Feb 16, 2023 18:18


    We have a new agency partnership that is offering a paid practicum.  What experiences do you have in selecting students for such a competitive practicum?

    Thank you for your insights and ideas!


    Rhonda Andrews
    George Fox University

  • 2.  RE: Paid Internships

    Posted Feb 20, 2023 10:50

    We usually have a few placements that provide stipends or payment and we typically distribute an announcement to all of our students going into placement within the timeline that matches the agency's need. We let student know this may be a competitive opportunity and provide instructions as to how to apply with the agency. We then direct agencies to interview students and make selections. Our persepective is that if the funds are coming from the agency, they should make the decision. We do also have a few programs internally that offer students stipends, in that situation, we have an application process and we select the students.

    Lindsey Rinehart
    Field Education Director & Clinical Instructor
    West Virginia University
    Morgantown WV