I'd like to share an upcoming opportunity for any social work educator who may be working in healthcare: Reconstructing Palliative Care: A Beginning will be a 6 hour unique workshop taking place at Smith School of Social Work with Terry Altilio and myself as faculty. A new look at Palliative Care. We will share an enormous amount of related educational materials for the participants that can be used in a variety of social work education settings. Join us!!!
The goal of this workshop is shared learning to begin to reconstruct palliative care practice, questioning some primary constructs and introducing diverse experts to evolve a model that both integrates and interrogates learnings and experiences of clinicians practicing over the past half century. Our intention is to highlight the unique "red thread" of skill, authenticity and values that is at the core of social work practice and essential to the care of patients and families as we self-educate toward the goals of restoring trust, challenging biases and mitigating inequities.
Take a look: https://ssw.smith.edu/news-and-events/events/reconstructing-palliative-care-beginning
Vickie Leff