Hi all,
Here at the University of Montana (Missoula), we offer "outside" MSW supervision to students who don't have an MSW at their practicum agency. (This person is in addition to their on-site supervisor, i cases where the on-site supervisor does not have an MSW.) This outside MSW supervisor is a School of Social Work staff member who meets with these students every other week. Is anyone else providing this outside MSW supervision to students? If so, who at your University provides this MSW supervision? For example, do you use adjuncts, Field Education staff, or instructors that are teaching the corresponding practicum seminar class? We just launched our online MSW program, so we have a lot of online students needing this outside MSW supervision. Which means that we will probably have to provide this supervision in a group setting. For those of you that do this, how many students per group seems to work well? We want to ensure that they have time to share and are receiving adequate support.
Thank you, in advance, for support with this question!
Jen Barile, MSW (she/her)
Assistant Director of Field Education / Assistant Clinical Professor
School of Social Work
University of Montana
Missoula MT