Field Directors

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  • 1.  Model for Supervision Provided by SW Dept Employee?

    Posted Feb 22, 2024 22:25

    Hello all,

    Do any of you use a model in which your academic department/college hires adjunct, part-time, or full-time social workers to provide supervision for students in settings that do not have a social worker to supervise them?  If so, is this tandem supervision, full supervision, or both?  We have a school district with zero social workers and would like to hire someone as a department employee with matching funds from the district to provide supervision to our students.  Our university's legal team is expressing some concern about increased liability for the university.  I've heard of departments making this kind of arrangement.  If you have something like this, would you be willing to share what it looks like and possibly any contracts, affiliation agreements, or MOUs?

    Thank you so much!

    CJ Sorenson
    Director of Field Education
    Utah State University
    Logan UT

  • 2.  RE: Model for Supervision Provided by SW Dept Employee?

    Posted Feb 24, 2024 08:48


    We have noticed since COVID many of our community partners are having trouble hiring and/or keeping social workers on staff, thus leading to a shortage of options for our student field placements. We recently developed a program where we pay faculty (full-time or adjunct) a small stipend to provide SW supervision to students placed in agencies without social workers.  The agency provides a task instructor, and we provide a field instructor.  It is working well: we have more options for field placements, we know that students are getting the social work supervision necessary, and agencies can accept students they otherwise would not be able to take.  

    [Bonnie Rinks, LCSW
    Director of Field Education
    University of Southern Indiana
    Evansville, IN 47712

  • 3.  RE: Model for Supervision Provided by SW Dept Employee?

    Posted Feb 26, 2024 10:23

    That is amazing Bonnie - I have been noticing this trend too and have proposed a few models to our chair (to hopefully bring up for approval with our dean) as it relates to either release time, stipend/professional development money, or credit pay for supervision - no luck on moving this forward yet. Would you be willing to share with me how your program is structured? How much do faculty receive for a stipend? How many students do they supervise, etc.? Any help is appreciated.

    Dana Holcomb, DSW, LMSW-Clinical
    Associate Professor and Director of Field
    Ferris State University
    Big Rapids, MI 49307

  • 4.  RE: Model for Supervision Provided by SW Dept Employee?

    Posted Feb 26, 2024 13:01

    Hello all,

    We have found offering a SW faculty as a field instructor for agencies without a SW on staff, has worked well. At the beginning of the semester, we meet with all parties (including students) to explain the process. We also have faculty go through the training we offer to all field instructors. 

    We have both the task and the field instructor sign the student time sheets and learning plans. The faculty liaison knows which students have a SW faculty member for the field instructor.  We try to match the faculty field instructor to his/her area of expertise to make it more meaningful for the students. Both faculty and students appear to enjoy the interaction and it also gets non field faculty involved in field education. The stipend is small ($500.00 per student), but when faculty are asked to do so much without compensation the stipend is very appreciated. 

    One student wrote this (I shared the full message with our Chair and Dean): 

    ...I am a senior in Social Work who is currently in an internship.  I want to give some feedback on faculty supervision. My faculty supervisor was Professor XXX. I cannot express enough how grateful I was with his supervision and having the opportunity to work with Professor XXX. He is exceptional and always has wonderful insights and information pertaining to social work and the education of social workers....

    I gained so much from him throughout my internship. It was also wonderful to see that any questions or concerns I had, if he did not have the answer, he was determined to find one for me. I think having a faculty supervisor gave a wonderful outside perspective....

    I hope this is helpful. 

    [Bonnie Rinks, LCSW
    Director of Field Education
    University of Southern Indiana
    Evansville, IN 47712

  • 5.  RE: Model for Supervision Provided by SW Dept Employee?

    Posted Feb 26, 2024 13:55


    Thank you for this idea, and the questions. 

    Nan Askeland, LMSW, LISW, LICSW
    Director of Field Education
    Social Work
    CH 101C

    Southwest Minnesota State University
    1501 State Street,
    Marshall, MN 56258
    1 (800) 642-0684

  • 6.  RE: Model for Supervision Provided by SW Dept Employee?

    Posted Feb 26, 2024 11:27

    Hi Bonnie,

    This is a great question. We have come across this in some instances as well. However, what I have learned and experienced is that external field instruction is extremely challenging and has tended to not work well for our students/agencies. The challenges have come around a lack of consistent and ongoing communication and assessment between the field instructor and task supervisor, the field instructor not having a clear understanding of the culture of the agency, etc.

    Shenita Williams
    Director of Field Education
    Virginia Commonwealth University
    Richmond, VA

  • 7.  RE: Model for Supervision Provided by SW Dept Employee?

    Posted Mar 11, 2024 22:24

    Hi all! 

    Great topic!

    We are a fully asynchronous program that have 8-week sessions, with a block placement that is 16 weeks.  We have only used adjuncts to provide supervision when agencies do not have an MSW. They work in tandem with the task supervisor at the site.   I mandate that every other supervision session includes the task supervisor.  Originally, we hired as many as needed per session, paying the equivalent of a 0.5 credit contract. Now, we hire one adjunct to be the supervisor for all the students who need MSW supervision and the contract is equivalent to 2-4 credits depending on the number of students.  For example, the adjunct we have this session has a 4 credit contract and has 7 students. 

    As for liability-- honestly, I don't think we ran it by legal.....I have a meeting with them about employment-based practicums this week. I'll have to bring it up. :) 


    Amanda Morgan
    MSW Practicum Director
    Chamberlain University

  • 8.  RE: Model for Supervision Provided by SW Dept Employee?

    Posted Mar 13, 2024 09:39

    Hi Bonnie,

    I'm intrigued by your sharing of paying faculty a stipend to provide SW supervision to students in agencies without social workers.  We are a State Unv in a budget deficit and tell them the size and composition of our faculty (3 Tenure, 3 Tenure Track, 3 Instructors) and only 1 person fully dedicated to practicum (with support of the PD and Chair of course).  I'm interested in exploring the possibility of our department moving in this direction and wondered if you could share the following:

    • What mechanisms/funding sources do they use to pay the faculty or other PSIs? grants, university funds, salary dollars
    • If they are at State Universities how does the pay work? How does the university build it in the budget
    • How big are these programs?
    • If faculty get paid, would they be willing to share how this impacts faculty teaching loads (or is the pay overload) and where does the money come from. 
    Thank you!

    Jessica Ulrich
    Practicum Education Coordinator
    Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
    Edwardsville IL

  • 9.  RE: Model for Supervision Provided by SW Dept Employee?

    Posted 16 days ago

    Honestly, I just want to bring this conversation back up as I am also interested in the information.


    Sean Taitt
    +1 (626) 529-8490