Social Work Education

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Last chance to get must-read book recommendation!

  • 1.  Last chance to get must-read book recommendation!

    Posted Mar 29, 2024 18:01

    “This book exposes the operations of power and dominance in social work education, academic institutions, and broader society. Beyond illuminating societal and institutional practices that work in opposition to equity and inclusion, these narratives and the editors' analysis of them reveal strategies that support these women's abilities to confront power and successfully negotiate difficult terrain...” —Salome Raheim, former chair, CSWE Commission for Diversity and Social and Economic Justice; associate professor of social work, The University of Iowa

    Through the end of March only, Women of Color as Social Work Educators, edited by CSWE President & CEO Halaevalu F. Ofahengaue Vakalahi, Saundra Hardin Starks, and Carmen Ortiz Hendricks, is now just $25.00.

    Get your copy today!


    Javier Caballero
    Communications and Marketing Coordinator