Field Directors

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Invitation to Participate in Research Study

  • 1.  Invitation to Participate in Research Study

    Posted Jun 13, 2022 13:59

    Greetings field colleagues! I am reaching out today to request participation in a qualitative research study I am conducting that focuses on the impact of COVID-19 on field directors and field education. Interviews will be conducting in a semi-structured way and are anticipated to last around 40 minutes. Questions can be emailed to this researcher at any time.  

     Description of the Project:

    This project is designed to understand field directors' perspectives on field education and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. To qualify for participation faculty members must currently be employed in higher education in an accredited social work program. Participants must hold the title of Field Director, Assistant Field Director, Field Coordinator, or Assistant Field Coordinator. 

    Name and Contact Information of Principal Investigator:

                Dana Holcomb, DSW, LMSW-Clinical


                Telephone: 231-591-2763


    IRB Information – Ferris State University

                IRB Protocol Approval Number: FY-21-22-170

                Contact Information: Ferris State University IRB

    1010 Campus Drive, FLITE 410

    Big Rapids, MI  49307


    If you are interested in participating please email me and I will set up the Zoom link and send the consent form. Thank you for considering this request. Have a wonderful day!

    Dana Holcomb
    Director of Field
    Ferris State University
    Big Rapids MI