HRSA Behavioral Health Grantees

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HRSA-CSWE APM BHWET Grantee Questions Follow-up

  • 1.  HRSA-CSWE APM BHWET Grantee Questions Follow-up

    Posted Mar 13, 2023 16:54

    Good afternoon all, 

    I hope you all are doing well and thank you for your patience regarding the follow-up from APM. HRSA BHWET officials have shared a document that addresses questions from our APM session as well as additional background on BHE-TAC including a one pager and presentation. I have attached the documents and hope this is helpful! Please let me know if you have any questions. 

    All the best,


    Andrew Herrin
    Lewis-Burke Associates LLC
    Washington, DC DC


    HRSA-CSWE 2023.pdf   164 KB 1 version
    BHE-TAC One Pager.pdf   194 KB 1 version