HRSA Behavioral Health Grantees

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Hear from HRSA BHWET Program Managers at APM

  • 1.  Hear from HRSA BHWET Program Managers at APM

    Posted Oct 24, 2023 09:12

    Good morning all,

    Join CSWE's Government Relations at the Annual Program Meeting (APM) and hear the latest from officials from the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA). HRSA officials will join virtually and provide an overview of the Behavioral Health Workforce Education and Training (BHWET) program. The session will take place Friday, October 27 from 11:15 AM–12:30 PM (ET) in Room L 501, and current grantees and those interested in learning more about the program are welcome.

    Please let us know if you have any questions and looking forward to seeing you at APM!


    Andrew Herrin

    Andrew Herrin
    Legislative Research Assistant
    Lewis-Burke Associates LLC
    Washington, DC DC