Field Directors

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  • 1.  Field Program Administration of Large MSW/BSW programs

    Posted Dec 22, 2022 09:30
    Good morning Field Superstars!

    I am sending this message this morning to see if I can find other Field Directors who administer MSW and/or BSW programs with over 500 students, with a special emphasis on programs that have multiple campuses and online programs. I am hoping to create some opportunities for sharing strategies in supporting larger programs, so if you are interested in chatting with me, please don't hesitate to reach out! My contact information is below:

    Alli Schuck, Field Director
    Aurora University

    Allison Schuck
    Field Director
    Aurora University
    Montgomery IL

  • 2.  RE: Field Program Administration of Large MSW/BSW programs

    Posted May 03, 2023 17:47

    Hello Allison, 

    We don't have as large of a University as you; however, we do have 2 programs (BSW and DSW). We have around 150 students in field at any given time. Our BSW program is on-site and our MSW program is fully online. This has created some challenges. We historically have only had 1 field faculty (myself as Field Director). Luckily, we have just been granted a position and we are adding another field position. I am curious how other Universities best distribute roles and responsibilites among multiple field faculty. I know there is the traditional BSW Field Director and MSW Field Director but I would like to consider some other options of both working across programs. Let me know if you have any thoughts. 

    Kimberly Wright
    Field Director
    University of North Alabama
    Florence AL

  • 3.  RE: Field Program Administration of Large MSW/BSW programs

    Posted May 16, 2023 16:04

    Hi Allison:

    We have a very large program, with about 500 BSW students and almost 1200 MSW students.  We have around 500-600 students or more in field during the academic year.  We are a solely online distributive campus and place students across the US and internationally, as we have a large military student population.  I am the Director and have seven field faculty who are designated as Asst. Field Directors.  I oversee the program, write policy, supervise adjuncts, handle field student conduct issues, interface with various other departments, staff and administrators, serve on multiple committees both internally and externally and supervise the day-to-day work of 7 field faculty.  The assistants (AFDs), are assigned students by me, to facilitate their placement process.  They conduct orientations, interface with agencies, vet all new agencies, determine appropriateness of scope of work, guide agencies in developing learning plans, mentor field adjuncts and problem solve when a placement is in jeopardy or a student termination occurs (in conjunction with me).  The share in the daily duties of engaging in field placement development and placement of students, as well as mentor them, provide consultation with agencies and confer with me on student or agency challenges.  My colleagues are highly trained and experienced, so balancing ensuring their job description duties with making room for their multiplicity of experience and talents is a critical aspect of my position.  Any of my colleagues are capable of running the field division, so I have to make room for their creativity and experience, while maintain leadership and oversight of the field division program, since the buck stops with me.  I work closely with the BSW and MSW program directors and we oversee the running of the social work program together.  I'd say the collaboration is mutual and strong between the three administrators and also between myself as director and the assist. field directors.  If you have any additional questions or comments, please feel free to contact me.


    Sibyl Beaulieu
    Associate Professor and Director

  • 4.  RE: Field Program Administration of Large MSW/BSW programs

    Posted May 19, 2023 15:21
    Thank you, Sibyl! This is extremely helpful! 

    Alli Schuck, MSW, LSW
    Pronouns: she/her/hers/ella
    Field Director
    College of Education and Social Work
    Institute of Collaboration, Room 226E
    (630) 947 - 8936
    To schedule a meeting with me, please click HERE