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  • Announcing the Specialized Practice Curricular Guide for Military and Veteran Social Work

    This Veterans Day, CSWE is excited to announce the release of the Specialized Practice Curricular Guide for Military and Veteran Social Work. This is the first specialized curricular guide for the 2022 Educational Policy and Accreditation Standard competencies.

    In this guide, we cover competencies for social work students, educators, and practitioners engaging in military and veteran social work. The Specialized Practice Curricular Guide for Military and Veteran Social Work was developed through the generous support of the Cohen Veterans Network and the Council on Social Work Education. Purchase the guide here:

  • Last Day of APM 2024

    That’s a wrap for the Annual Program Meeting. We closed out with our Social Work Futures Speaker, Dr. Cutcha Risling Baldy. She detailed the impact of capitalism and colonization on Indigenous communities and the environment.

    We honored influential leaders in the social work community during our "Awards Luncheon: Honoring Our Own." Thanks to our attendees and shoutout to our sponsors and student volunteers for another incredible conference. We’ll see you all next year in Denver! #cswe24 #onecswe

  • Day 3: 2024 APM

    We wrapped up day 3 of the Annual Program Meeting. Attendees started their morning with a Pilates class. They participated in informative educational sessions with a plenary discussing global indigenous perspectives and a bustling exhibit hall. We ended the evening celebrating the MFP's 50th Anniversary Gala. Congratulations to our newest and largest cohort of fellows! #cswe24 #onecswe
    Hokenstad International Lecturer


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