Field Directors

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  • 1.  Strategies for Gathering Student Feedback about Field Experience

    Posted Feb 22, 2022 11:34


    At the University at Buffalo School of Social Work, we are looking at strengthening our strategies for obtaining student feedback about all aspects of their field placement experience. We would find it helpful to know what strategies are working at other schools of social work. 

    What strategies/methods have been helpful? 

    What has not been helpful? 

    Do you collect anonymous data or do the students identify themselves?

    Any insight or lessons learned would be helpful. 

    Michael Lynch
    Buffalo NY

  • 2.  RE: Strategies for Gathering Student Feedback about Field Experience

    Posted Feb 22, 2022 13:39
    Hi Michael, 

    We send out a survey towards the end of the placement for students to complete as well as one to field professors. It can be done anonymously but we find most students identify themselves.  I have attached the PDF copy of the 2 forms.

    Sarah Brown
    Director of Field and Professional Education
    Monmouth University School of Social Work
    Long Branch NJ


    Quality - Students.pdf   152 KB 1 version
    Quality - Professor.pdf   96 KB 1 version

  • 3.  RE: Strategies for Gathering Student Feedback about Field Experience

    Posted Feb 23, 2022 16:04
    Hi Sarah,

    Thank you! These examples will be helpful as we strengthen our own assessments.

    Michael Lynch
    Buffalo NY

  • 4.  RE: Strategies for Gathering Student Feedback about Field Experience

    Posted Feb 23, 2022 13:39

    Hello! My colleagues Carol Coohey and Miriam Landsman at University of Iowa School of Social Work did some research on Field Instructor quality and created the Field Assessment Survey (FAS) that we now use to collect this feedback. Something that is not covered in the FAS that we are looking at adding moving forward is an item about the Field Instructor's and agency's commitment to social justice and anti-oppressive practice. Attached is the survey - which my colleagues give permission for you to freely use and adapt - and the published articles behind its creation.


    Sarah Witry
    Clinical Asst Professor, Field Education Director
    University of Iowa
    Iowa City IA

  • 5.  RE: Strategies for Gathering Student Feedback about Field Experience

    Posted Feb 23, 2022 16:07
    This is really helpful! Thank you so much.

    Michael Lynch
    Buffalo NY

  • 6.  RE: Strategies for Gathering Student Feedback about Field Experience

    Posted Mar 31, 2022 18:45

    Hi Michael,

    We have been looking a lot at this.  One thing we did recently is severely SHORTEN the survey.  We used to ask questions about everything and everything, but realized the survey was too long so we were not getting a high response rate, AND we weren't really using the responses to most questions in a concrete way.  Sure it gave us a better picture of what was going on, but we kept boiling it down to what would we tangibly be able to digest and use and act on.  So my suggestion would be to keep it SHORT.  Figure out the key areas you need feedback on.  Allow for additional comments.  And make sure it is anonymous and explain to students HOW the data will be used. (helps with response rates).

    Another suggestion is ask for student feedback on the best way to get students to respond - when and how to distribute the survey.

    Hope that helps,

    Aneesha Bharwani
    Assistant Dean for Field Education, Associate Professor of the Practice
    University of Denver
    Denver CO