Advocacy & Policy

NIH Releases Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Social, Behavioral, and Economic Impact of COVID-19 in Underserved and Vulnerable Populations

  • 1.  NIH Releases Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Social, Behavioral, and Economic Impact of COVID-19 in Underserved and Vulnerable Populations

    Posted Aug 31, 2021 14:07
    CSWE Government Relations (GR) is sharing a Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) from the National Institutes of Health (NIH).  CSWE GR is able to provide high-level context about this opportunity.

    The NOSI: Social, Behavioral, and Economic Impact of COVID-19 in Underserved and Vulnerable Populations, focuses on interests in research that strengthen the understanding and response to COVID-19, as well as more effective preparation for future public health emergencies.  The objective of the NOSI is to emphasize the impacts of digital health, community-engaged, and multi-level research interventions that are utilized in health care settings during the pandemic and encourage the use of existing large-scale data sources with wide population coverage when improving and assessing various health care access effects in underserved and vulnerable communities.

    NIH is encouraging applicants to address areas of interest on COVID-19 health-related outcomes with an emphasis on populations with health disparities and vulnerable populations including:

    • "Digital health or community interventions that incorporate strategies to address the digital divide as it relates to vulnerable populations, including low-income communities, older adults, as well as their caregivers."
    • "Digital health or community interventions to address new and worsening mental health and behavioral health (including mental health, alcohol and substance use)."
    • "Digital health or community interventions or data and social/population science research examining pandemic-related stress and mitigation isolation on interpersonal violence, intimate partner violence, child abuse/neglect, and general family strain."
    • "Community directed behavioral or health communication interventions to promote understanding of and adherence to mitigation recommendations, particularly around vaccine hesitancy and uptake, including mechanisms that influence vaccination decision making."
    • "Projects exploring how public or private pandemic-related policies including mitigation (e.g., physical distancing, masking, lockdowns), vaccination (e.g., vaccination and/or testing requirements), and economic support programs (e.g., unemployment benefit extensions, eviction moratoriums, etc.) impacted health, access to health care, and health-related behaviors."

    A full list of research objectives for this project can be found here.

    Projects that involve collaborations with relevant community partners including community-based organizations, patient advocacy groups, state and local public health agencies, and others that are listed in the NOSI are strongly encouraged.

    The application's first available due date is October 5, 2021 with the expiration date of the notice being September 8, 2024.  Applicants are required to select an institute/center (IC) and corresponding funding opportunity for their application in response to the NOSI.

    More information regarding this NOSI including the link to the official notice can be found here.

    Oscar Carballo
    Legislative Research Assistant
    Lewis-Burke Associates LLC
    Washington, DC