Advocacy & Policy

Update on Funding Opportunity: NIMHD Releases NOSI for Research to Address Vaccine Hesitancy, Uptake, and Implementation among Populations that Experience Health Disparities

  • 1.  Update on Funding Opportunity: NIMHD Releases NOSI for Research to Address Vaccine Hesitancy, Uptake, and Implementation among Populations that Experience Health Disparities

    Posted Dec 17, 2020 15:46

    The CSWE Public Policy Initiative (PPI) is sharing notice of special interest (NOSI) from the National Institute of Minority Health and Health Disparities (NIMHD) within the National Institutes of Health (NIH).  The PPI is able to provide high-level context about this opportunity.

    The National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities (NIMHD) and seven other institutes published a (NOSI) on "Research to Address Vaccine Hesitancy, Uptake, and Implementation among Populations that Experience Health Disparities."  The solicitation, a NOSI for R01 research project grants, calls for community-engaged research to "help understand and address misinformation, distrust, and hesitancy regarding vaccines (e.g., SARS-CoV-2, human papilloma virus, pneumococcal, influenza, hepatitis B, and herpes zoster)" that target adults in the United States, especially among populations who experience health disparities. 

    The program will solicit community-engaged research to:

    • "evaluate innovative interventions (e.g., expand reach, access) to facilitate vaccination uptake in clinical and community contexts; and
    • address the barriers to increasing reach, access, and uptake of vaccinations among health disparity populations."

    Researchers will be able to apply for funding through this FOA using either of NIH's standard parent R01 Program Announcements PA-20-183, for research requiring clinical trials, or PA-20-185, for research not proposing a clinical trial).

    The first application due date is February 05, 2021.  More information on this NOSI can be found at


    Andrew Herrin
    Legislative Research Assistant
    Lewis-Burke Associates LLC
    Washington, DC DC