Social Work Education

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  • 1.  Celebrate Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month with CSWE

    Posted May 02, 2022 14:12
    Edited by Kianna Mckenzie Jul 20, 2022 14:10

    To commemorate Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) Heritage Month, the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) is spotlighting educational resources concerning AAPI issues or written by AAPI authors.  

    Reply to this thread
     and share any AAPI-related clinical or curricular resources, journal articles, research, culturally relevant assessment tools, workbooks, or other scholarly work. We welcome recognition of your work and other resources by AAPI individuals.

    We invite you to share this discussion thread with your networks and join us as we unite to lift up voices and honor AAPI social work educators and colleagues.


    Kianna Mckenzie
    Communications and Marketing Coordinator, CSWE Spark Community Manager
    Council on Social Work Education

  • 2.  RE: Celebrate Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month with CSWE

    Posted May 04, 2022 10:16
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    From the Roots of Trauma to the Flowering of Trauma Informed Care is a report that documents the Texas Muslim Women's Foundation's journey towards becoming a trauma informed agency. It covers "learning about types of trauma and trauma-informed care, assessing existing culturally-sensitive practices that enhanced trauma-informed care and identifying ones that needed to be added, training staff, and working with researchers to document and build a body of evidence-based practice – all the while staying survivor-centered." 

    If you're an advocate serving domestic violence survivors from culturally-sensitive communities, a researcher, program evaluators, policy maker, and/or working in community-based-organizations, I'd recommend giving this report a read! It clearly outlines lessons learned about he process of building evidence, measuring impact, designing culturally relevant tools, and addressing the types of trauma communities experienced. If nothing else, take a moment to appreciate the graphic on the cover page, which illustrates components of trauma and the impacts of trauma informed care for individuals, groups and communities.

    Jayasundara, D., El-Jarrah, H., Dabby, C., and Ahmed, D. (2020). From the Roots of Trauma to the Flowering of Trauma-Informed Care. Plano Texas: Texas Muslim Women's Foundation; Oakland California: Asian Pacific Institute on Gender-Based Violence

    Ameera Bhanji
    Program Associate
    Alexandria VA


    000-TMWF-Report-1-21-20.pdf   1.11 MB 1 version

  • 3.  RE: Celebrate Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month with CSWE

    Posted May 05, 2022 16:39
    Edited by Kianna Mckenzie Jul 20, 2022 14:10


    Visit the Center for Diversity and Social & Economic Justice for
    Selections of Asian and Asian American Literature in the Center Library
    Full List of Asian and Asian American Books 


    Yolanda Padilla
    Director, Ctr for Diversity and Soc & Eco Jus

  • 4.  RE: Celebrate Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month with CSWE

    Posted May 11, 2022 14:58
    The Journal of Social Work Education (JSWE) has compiled a new collection of free access articles with a focus on Asian American and Pacific Islander issues. The following articles will be free access until July 31, 2022, through the Taylor & Francis JSWE Online portal.

    Marianne Varkiani
    Communications & Marketing Manager
    Council on Social Work Education

  • 5.  RE: Celebrate Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month with CSWE

    Posted May 19, 2022 13:44
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    Hello -
    I published a paper in 2020 on advanced psychotherapy practice as an Asian American person - using a psychodynamic and intersectional lens.
    I hope it can be of some use to practitioners and educators.
    Thanks for this thread,
    Phuongloan Vo

    Phuongloan Vo
    University of Cincinnati


    Vo_InTheFertileMinefield.pdf   675 KB 1 version