Integrative Approaches

Invitation to Self-care and Burnout Survey

  • 1.  Invitation to Self-care and Burnout Survey

    Posted May 07, 2021 00:31

    Hello, TIC Social Workers:


    I am a doctoral student under the direction of Dr. Dorina Miron in the College of Doctoral Studies at Grand Canyon University. My name is Ahed Mando. I am conducting a research study to test the relations between work experience, TIC training, and self-care with burnout among TIC social workers in the United States.


    I am recruiting individuals that meet these criteria. You can take part in this study if you:

    • Are 18 or older
    • Can speak English fluently
    • Are now working in the U. S. as a paid social worker
    • Have ever worked in trauma informed care, with survivors of trauma
    • Agree to state if you have ever had any TIC training
    • Agree to state how many years you have worked as a social worker and as a TIC social worker
    • Agree to the terms and conditions of this study after reading this Informed Consent
    • Are willing to answer personal, identifiable, demographic questions about your age, gender, race/ethnicity, type of organization you are now working for, employment standing, current or earlier work in TIC, years of social work experience in trauma-informed care setting, and partaking in any form of TIC training.


    You cannot take part in this study if you:

    • Are not 18 or older
    • Can't speak English fluently
    • Are not now working in the U. S. as a paid social worker
    • Have never worked in trauma informed care, with survivors of trauma
    • Do not agree to state if you have ever had any TIC training
    • Do not agree to state how many years you have worked as a social worker and as a TIC social worker
    • Do not agree to the terms and conditions of this study after reading this informed consent.
    • Are not willing to answer personal, identifiable, demographic questions about your age, gender, race/ethnicity, type of organization you are now working for, employment standing, current or earlier work in TIC, years of social work experience in trauma-informed care setting, and partaking in any form of TIC training.


    The activities for this research project will include:

    • Taking an anonymous online survey that takes 15-20 minutes. The survey includes a demographic survey, the Self-care Assessment Worksheet, and questions from the Copenhagen Burnout Inventory.
    • The survey can be done when you have time over the next few weeks.
    • You can take the survey in your office, home, or some other place you choose.
    • You can get to the survey via Google Forms, a safe survey website. You can use your smart phone or computer.


    Your participation in this study is voluntary. There are no incentives, compensation, or reimbursement.


    Californians now have certain rights over the data gathered on them, including research data. It is not that one cannot collect select demographic data rather it is important that any demographic information collected from CA study participants that may include PID be clearly articulated in the Informed Consent, and why it is important data for the study. The participants must agree to give this PID data and allow the researcher to use it in their research. You can also reach out to the California Committee for Protection of Human Subjects for more information and resources:


    All data in this study will be protected by the researcher. The researcher will collect no personal identification data or IP addresses. The survey is found on the secure Google Forms web site.


    The survey link is:




    If you are interested in participating in this study, please click the above link to begin the study. If you have questions about the research study or your participation in the study, before or after your consent, please contact Ahed Mando;; phone # 813-616-9462.

    Thank you!

    Ahed Mando
    Doctoral Candidate