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  • 1.  Practicum Placement Tracking Software

    Posted Mar 06, 2024 17:16

    Good Afternoon!

    We are exploring practicum placement tracking software.  I'm going to reach out to 3 companies to schedule demos.  So far, I've selected Tevera and Sonia and am trying to choose between InPlace and IPT.  I've heard that InPlace has features similar to Tevera at half the cost, but I've not heard any feedback from anyone using IPT.  Would programs using InPlace and/or IPT please share a few tidbits regarding pros/cons of each?

    Thank you!


    Jessica Ulrich
    Practicum Education Coordinator
    Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
    Edwardsville IL

  • 2.  RE: Practicum Placement Tracking Software

    Posted Mar 07, 2024 09:23
    Edited by Molly Hogan-Fowler Mar 07, 2024 09:25

    We demoed Tevera and InPlace and InPlace was astronomically more expensive than Tevera was going to be. That was last year. We are relaunching our search for a new software and will be comparing Tevera and Sonia, I think, as we had ruled out InPlace due to the cost.

    We currently use IPT and it is EXTREMELY affordable (much less than half the cost of Tevera, but different payment model). That is why we have stuck with it for so long, but the support is very bare bones and it's not the most user friendly system.

    Molly Hogan-Fowler
    Director of Field Education
    Salem State University
    Salem MA

  • 3.  RE: Practicum Placement Tracking Software

    Posted Mar 07, 2024 21:56

    Hi Molly!!

    We use Tevera currently and I am so disappointed with the level of support.  It has much less features than Sonia. I onboarded Sonia at a previous program, and it has so many features, but is also quite costly.  We don't pay for Tevera at all - the students bear the cost. I am not sure that it is worth the money for the students given the very little that they do with it. I am also looking to review Sonia, InPlace, and more that others may suggest.

    Amanda Morgan
    Chamberlain University

  • 4.  RE: Practicum Placement Tracking Software

    Posted Mar 08, 2024 10:18

    Good morning, Jessica. We use IPT right now and have for many years. It worked for us for awhile but as our program grew it has really not kept up with our needs. While it is very affordable, the level of support, ability to change/tweak forms, and level of troubleshooting required on my end as a field director is rough. We are hoping to switch to Tevera this year. IPT is a one person show, as far as I know. Getting in touch with the provider has been difficult, often weeks go by before I can connect with him. While I appreciate the cost is quite low, we are very dissatisfied with the function of the program. 

    Dana Holcomb, DSW, LMSW-Clinical
    Associate Professor and Director of Field
    Ferris State University
    Big Rapids, MI 49307

  • 5.  RE: Practicum Placement Tracking Software

    Posted Mar 08, 2024 10:42
    Hi Dana & Molly,

    Thank you so much for your insight.  It sounds like Sonia might be a top choice provided we can afford the cost!  Are there any InPlace or Exatt users out there?  


    Jessica Ulrich, MSW

    Licensed Clinical Social Worker

    Practicum Education Coordinator-Director

    SIUE Social Work Department

    Peck Hall Room 1370B

    Edwardsville, IL 62026

    (Phone) 618-650-5758



    Response Notice: This e-mail message may not be checked immediately, as I may be teaching a class, in a  meeting, or consulting with campus partners.  Emails are typically not checked at end of business.  Business hours are M-F 8am-4:30pm.


  • 6.  RE: Practicum Placement Tracking Software

    Posted Mar 09, 2024 08:18

    Hi Jessica,

    We use Exxat and just upgraded to their new placement management program, Prism, this year. It's MUCH easier for students and faculty to navigate than the older version, and we've been pretty pleased with it overall. Happy to answer any questions about it you might have!


    Katy Allen
    Associate Instructor & Director of Field Education
    Western Carolina University
    Cullowhee/Asheville NC

  • 7.  RE: Practicum Placement Tracking Software

    Posted Mar 08, 2024 14:38

    We were looking to use Sonia but will be going with Time2Track. I tried contacting someone from IPT and never received a response.

    Desiree Israel
    MSW Practicum Director
    Alverno College
    Milwaukee WI