#SWEduActs helps you plan to teach about privilege, oppression! Register for our next session!
Interested in learning about anti-racist teaching approaches? Want peer support? Need a consistent structure to stay true to your anti-racist practice? #SWEduActs helps social work educators take action to address racism and intersecting oppressions in social work education. You can read more about us here.
We run a series of peer support drop-in sessions about anti-racist pedagogy in social work classrooms and field settings, and our next event is on 4/27 4 pm EST - you can register for that here:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
April 2022 session: Anti-racist pedagogy and social work field education
Possible discussion questions we may explore:
- How do conversations about race, privilege, oppression, etc. show up in field education?
- Do people use specific anti-racism-focused assignments or frameworks when covering these issues in field seminars?
- How can we boost the capacity of our field instructors to be able to talk about race, privilege and oppression with our students given what they are getting in the academic classroom setting?
Check out our resources:
Teaching #Online? What does #AntiRacist Online #Pedagogy look like?
We talk a lot about managing difficult dialogues in social work classrooms – in fact here is a tip sheet on that topic!
Here's our resource page with reflections on how to teach about White privilege!
You can also read about how to use data as reflective anti-racist teacher here!
You can sign up for our email listserv here: https://groups.io/g/sweduacts
You can check us out on Twitter using our hashtag: #SWEduActs
Questions? Contact Elspeth Slayter at eslayter@salemstate.edu
We look forward to seeing you soon!
--The #SWEduActs convening team
Lauri Goldkind, Fordham U.
Jennifer Parga, U. Southern California
Pat Shelly, U. Buffalo
Elspeth Slayter, Salem State U.
Elspeth Slayter, Ph.D. | Professor | School of Social Work
Coordinator | Certificate on Equity-Minded Practice
Faculty Affiliate, Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental & Related Disabilities, Stony Brook University
Member | Social Equality, Intersectionality and Inclusion Research Group, Charles Sturt University
978.542.7459 | Salem State University | 352 Lafayette Street | Salem, MA 01970 |
Preferred pronouns: she/her/hers (-what does this mean?)
University website: https://polaris.salemstate.edu/profile/eslayter
Personal website: https://elspethslayter.com
Access to full text publications: https://works.bepress.com/elspeth-slayter/
Recent journal publications:
Copersino, M., Slayter, E., McHugh, K. Shedlack, K., Scott, L., and Weiss, R. (2022-forthcoming). Clinical utility of a hybrid secondary and relapse prevention program in adults with mild intellectual disability or borderline intellectual functioning in community residential and day habilitation settings. Disability and Health.
Slayter, E. (2021-forthcoming). Tough nuts to crack: Initiating an imperfect racial justice accountability process within one School of Social Work from one perspective. Reflections: Narratives of Professional Helping. Volume and issue to be determined.
Johnson, L., Slayter, E. and Livingstone, A. (2020). Disability, race and ethnicity: An exploration of adoption outcomes among foster children. Adoption Quarterly. 23:2, 110-134.
Slayter, E. and Jensen, J. (2019). Parents with intellectual disabilities in the child protection system. Children & Youth Services Review. 98: 297-304.
Recent public engagement essays:
Slayter, E. (2021). Being White and doing anti-racist social work. The New Social Worker Online.
Johnson, L., Slayter, E. and Simmons, L. (2021). On equity-minded practice as a framework for social workers. The New Social Worker Online.
Slayter, E. (2021). Recognizing ableism's link to racism. Social Work Helper.
Slayter, E. (2021). Unpacking the historical relationship of racism and ableism: What social workers need to know and why. Social Work Helper.
Slayter, E. (2021). What do you know about disability cultural competence? Social Work Helper.
You can sign up for a meeting with me at this link:
Follow Salem State School of SWK on Social Media
Instagram: @ssusocialwork
Twitter: @ssusocialwork
FB: @SalemStateSocialWork
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E-mails received weekends/holidays will be returned on the next business day unless otherwise noted.
Please be mindful that e-mail is not a confidentially secure medium.
Molly Hogan-Fowler
Director of Field Education
Salem State University
Salem MA