My name is Melissa Dalhoe. I am a doctoral student with the University of St. Thomas School of Social Work studying social work supervision, specifically looking at supervisee wellbeing in supervision. I am interested in conducting a content analysis of MSW supervision course syllabi to examine how people are teaching supervision in social work at the MSW level.
You are invited to participate in this study if you teach an MSW level supervision course at a CSWE accredited MSW program. Participation is voluntary. There are no incentives or compensation for participation.
Participation involves two steps:
1. Email an electronic copy of your most recent MSW supervision course syllabi to
2. Complete the following Qualtrics survey which should take approximately 10 minutes:
If you have questions about this research study or your participation in the study, please contact me, Melissa Dalhoe;
Thank you so much for your time!
Melissa Dalhoe
Doctoral Student
University of St. Thomas, St. Paul, MN
Melissa Dalhoe
University of St. Thomas