CSWE Government Relations (GR) is sharing the following engagement opportunity from the National Institutes of Health (NIH). CSWE GR is able to provide high-level context about this opportunity.
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) Chief Officer for Scientific Workforce Diversity (COSWD) recently released a request for information (RFI) for feedback on the Draft COSWD Strategic Plan for Fiscal Years (FYs) 2022-2026. This RFI welcomes input from various stakeholders on how COSWD's mission of advancing the science of scientific workforce diversity is shaped. Feedback regarding the following topics will help aid the drafting process of the COSWD Strategic Plan for FY 2022-2026:
- "The three key goals-build, disseminate, and act on the evidence to advance scientific workforce diversity-including benefits, challenges, or any alternative or additional goals to consider.
- Objectives to support each of the three goals, including benefits, challenges, or any additional objectives for consideration.
- Cross-cutting strategies-collaborations, accountability, and evaluation-to leverage to pursue the goals, including benefits, challenges, or alternative or additional strategies for consideration.
- General comments, including those that help inform how the COSWD team may direct efforts to achieve its mission over the next five years."
RFI responses must be submitted by 11:59pm (ET) on February 10, 2022.
More information regarding the RFI and COSWD's Strategic Plan can be found here.
Oscar Carballo Jr.
Legislative Research Assistant
Lewis-Burke Associates LLC
Washington D.C.